Wednesday, January 30, 2008

3 Tips To Lose Belly Fat You Can Start Today

By Ian Henman

There are a lot of weight loss plans floating around the Internet. The sad thing is a lot of them don't work, they promise over night results but that isn't what happens. I want to share with you 3 tips to lose belly fat that you can implement starting today.

These aren't secret tips to lose belly fat they're common sense, although in today weight loss crazy world a lot of common sense seems to be forgotten.

1.) Cut empty calories: There's no doubt in my mind everyone can cut some empty calories from their daily intake. Whether it be cream in your coffee, or the snack you have at break change it up for something with more fiber and less calories and it will make a difference. The key here is consistency, don't just do it today, but do it tomorrow and every day there after.

2.) Eat bran for breakfast: Bran is low in calories, high in fiber and fills us up. In reality bran is really a secret weapon to belly fat loss. Fiber makes up feel fuller for longer, and being low in calories means our body has less to burn off. Make this change and you'll find you won't be as hungry every morning come coffee break time at the office.

3.) Swap carbs for vegetables at dinner: Most North Americans enjoy their carbohydrates, whether it be breads, potatoes, or rice we love them all. At dinner time try cutting back your normal serving of rice or potatoes and add more vegetables to your plate. Vegetables are higher in fiber and generally less calories then most carbohydrates. This will server the same purpose as the second tip, help us feel full while taking in less calories.

Work these three tips to lose belly fat into your daily routine and you will start to see a difference.

Before you start any diet make sure you understand how to lose stomach fat by visiting a popular website for people trying to lose weight with a natural belly fat diet.

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