Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Follow My Weight Loss Program: The Hardest Part Is Behind Me

So the holiday season has come to a close and even though I can't say everything went perfect, I can say that I did ok. Like you I was confronted with many unhealthy options this season. From cookies, to pies, to mashed potatoes filled with lots of butter and heavy cream, and the list goes on and on.

Now that the unhealthy part, well the overload of unhealthy items is behind me, I can begin to concentrate on what I need to do to lose that fifty pounds by 12/31/2008. Also now that it is 2008, the countdown truly begins.

Over the course of outlining my weight loss program and giving you daily updates, I will be posting various recipes and workout routines that I try. Like I said in a previous article, I would never post or recommend anything unless I try it first.

In today's discussion I want to begin my series on the exercise routines I am doing, the proper form and so on. Today I want to cover the back muscles. I start with the back, because that is how my routine begins. Before I continue, let me say this. I am not a physician, personal trainer or dietician. The information that I provide is what has worked for me and what I enjoy. My results are my own and yours may differ if you are following along with what I am doing.

Never perform heavy exercise without consulting with your physician first. Now that is out of the way, let me tell you about the back exercise I perform.

I have decided to start my weight program by performing one exercise for each of the muscle groups. Since I have not worked with weights in sometime, and now that I am little (cough, cough) older, I am starting by doing one set of twelve reps.

Reps stand for repetitions, or the number of times the same exercise is performed. A set is the number of times you complete the desired number of repetitions. For example, three sets of 12 reps would be the same as saying I lifted the weight 36 times taking a rest after I completed the exercise 12 times.

There are other ways of writing it, but you get the basic jist.

This morning I completed one set, 12 reps of one arm dumbbell rows. Using a bench, I would brace myself with the hand I wasn't using, along with the my knee from the same side of my body and then slowly lift the weight from the floor to my chest. I would repeat this exercise 12 times for each arm. It really works those upper back muscles.

For now I have the one back exercise which works primarily the upper back. As my body adjusts to a weight routine I will add in lower back exercises as well.

I can say that this exercise is a real good one and I can definitely feel the muscles being worked. Hopefully I can get some pictures posted for you so you can see the way I doing the exercise if you want to give it a try.

Tomorrow I am going to go over biceps and the exercise I am starting with for that muscle group. In the meantime, give the one arm dumbbell row a try for those upper back muscles. Just remember to start off with some light weight like I am doing.

Mike P.

About the Author
You can follow Mike's weight loss program on his Blog at

There you can follow Mike's progress as he details his daily fitness and nutrition program on his way to losing 50 pounds by December 31st, 2008.

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