Monday, December 31, 2007

Day 14: Follow My Weight Loss Program: Second Weigh In

When I look back at my first two weeks on my nutrition program, I really do have to look in somewhat of amazement. I decided to start in probably, well not probably but definitely, the hardest part of the year. I set a sizable goal over a lengthy period time, and then decided to share it with the world.

Whew! That's a lot to say. But here is my thinking. The idea was to see if I am committed to doing this and no better time to test myself then through the eating holidays. Although 50 pounds is a fairly sizable and an entire year is pretty long, when combined, then resulting goal is less than a pound per week, making it psychologically more achievable. By sharing it with the world through this blog, it gives me an added incentive that I must succeed as those who read the blog will think I quit. Again another psychological tool used to keep me going.

With that said, and with the New Year less than 20 hours away, I weighed myself against his morning and am now down to 272 pounds. A loss of one pound. That still is higher than the 0.93 which is the weekly goal, but I was looking for something a bit higher.

I can tell you that my nutrition the past week was not perfect. In fact, for the last 4 days I did not write down what I ate. I found that when I write it down I tend to follow it better, and not doing that these last 4 days has lead me astray and more than likely the reason why I only dropped a pound and not more.

Also, I did not exercise the last couple of days, with the exception of the normal walking the dog. In the new year my goal is to hit a rigorous weight and aerobic regimen that will aid in the acceleration of my weight loss and hopefully achieve my goals even quicker than I imagined.

For now, though, I would like to say, Happy New Year to everybody and wish each and everyone one of the readers of this blog the best of luck in your own resolutions and weight loss goals.

Mike P.

About the Author
You can follow Mike's weight loss program on his Blog at

There you can follow Mike's progress as he details his daily fitness and nutrition program on his way to losing 50 pounds by December 31st, 2008.

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